important new Rife technology info just posted

Published: Wed, 10/30/13


One of the missing links in the true understanding of
Royal Rife's technology is called "Electron Therapy".

Basically this breaks down to the concept of seeing
a virus like a micro capacitor which finally ruptures
when it reaches a voltage saturation point.

This is an essential part of the puzzle of Rife
technology and it's often overlooked with a focus
merely on coordinative resonance (hitting the
correct frequency) which is clearly also important.

Anyway, I've just posted a historical report about
Electron Therapy that you'll likely find interesting
if this technology fascinates you.

Check it out right here:

I also just posted a new video about our Frequency
Machines which you can see right here:

That's my hump-day greeting for you.
Wishing you an awesome middle of the week!

Best of Health,

BTW - This Electron Therapy historical post is one
that I consider very important to understanding
this technology so I'm looking forward to responding
to any comments or questions you may have about it.

Please type them in at the end of the article:

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department

Sorry the return email can't work - this is
the only way I can keep from being blasted.