new regeneration video posted

Published: Wed, 11/13/13


Happy mid-week to you! Hoping you are having a
good one so far..

I just put up my most informative video yet on
this subject of regeneration. You can see it
here if you just want to cut to the chase:

But briefly let me emphasize why you've heard
so much on this subject from me.

I've had some tough times with my back from
various sport injuries and car accidents over
the years. At times I could barely walk. While
the frequencies and electromagnetic stuff has
helped a lot - it was mostly to keep my symptoms
at bay it's always been a combination of that
stuff with extensive research into supplementation
that has pushed me past plateaus in my healing

That said - there were still a lot of those
plateaus where progress was just flat.

It sure kept me researching..

That has all changed for me now and in the past
8 months in what I've been doing with this new
regeneration supplement.

Anyway, you can check out the new video here:

And in case you missed the older ones I'll
link them below for you...

Since there's been a lot of new and interesting
info coming up lately about Rife and frankly some
annoying misinformation there's another video
you'll be hearing from me about soon also.

For now - wishing you an awesome rest of the week!

Best of Health,

BTW - Here's the previous videos in case you
haven't seen them. This first one is the one that
I have to keep moving around cause of what's on it:

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department

Sorry the return email can't work - this is
the only way I can keep from being blasted.
Please use the link above to contact me!

You can always call me also. You'll see my
phone number on the graphic on the sidebar
on this site: