bbc news story: why the naked mole rat doesn't get cancer...

Published: Fri, 11/22/13


Ran across this recently - so strange and
extraordinary. So I figured it was a perfect
Friday video to share...

Spoiler alert: This creature is a bit scary looking
but don't worry there's no jumping on the video!

Check it out:

That's about it for today.

Hope you've had an awesome week and wishing you
a great weekend.

Best of Health,

BTW - You'll be hearing from me soon about a new
video on Rife technology. There's always new info
to cover there but since I've been entrenched in
that topic for so long there's also something I
love about doing videos about other breaking health
topics. Don't get me wrong - I still feel there's
ground that we (as a "Rife Community") need to cover
but it's just so unfortunate that there's not really
any big money being put into research to push things
radically forward.

It's been a few years since it became obvious to me
that Rife technology is not likely to make it out of
the underground in this country where I live. It's
unfortunate but it's the reality in the west. You
can probably understand why I say that.

We are unfortunately coming to a point here where
that is likely to be the case with a lot of so called
'alternative' ideas, not just in health but much more.

Anyway, not trying to rant but there it is.

~Many blessings to you for reading this far~

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department

You can always call me also. You'll see my
phone number on the graphic on the sidebar
on this site: