more vital energy for you for the holidays

Published: Mon, 12/09/13


Trudging through the snow here there's something new
from my friend Dr Keith Scott-Mumby that you should
check out.

See he's been hollowed up for awhile creating some
really cool new information on what he calls a
"hidden food allergy".

This isn't like a peanut allergy where you'll instantly
go into shock if you eat just a speck of it. These
are hidden in the everyday foods you eat all the time.

So Dr Keith has done some vital sleuthing to
unravel a secret code of hidden food allergies
and has opened up a series of videos that will
lead you in the right direction.

Check out the first video right here:

A question I get a lot is what happens if you
ignore these "hidden allergies"?

Dr Keith covers this extensively but suffice it
to say that when you consume problematic foods
daily (or at least once every 4 days) you are
suppressing your body's natural reaction to these
leading to a larger problem later on.

So you could be building up something that then
explodes in the form of a major health condition
in the future!

Diabetes, psychological disorders, behavioral
problems, cardiovascular issues, and even Cancer
can be related to suppressed food allergies
because of the huge amount of stress that you
put on yourself by continuing to consume them.*

I remember before I had this information I used
to get shortness of breath consistently after
eating certain foods (for me tomatoes and potato
were the primary culprits!) but no longer is this
an issue...

So check out Dr Keith's "food code" video number
one here and get the info yourself:

Here's to your "Allergy Independence".

Best of Health,


* Dr Keith clarifies this in great detail.
The point is problematic foods can be major
contributing factors in just about any illness
which pushes your body over the edge.

Let Dr Keith explain it in much more detail:

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