holiday deals from Future Tech Today..

Published: Tue, 12/17/13


Happy Holidays!

The snow we had here over the past couple weeks
has pretty much vanished. I was wishing for more
but most folks around here are happy that it's
melted already ;~)

Snow delayed this but here's our Future Tech
Today holiday specials:

You'll notice that I've extended the subscriber only
deal on the Green 8 - 5 packs and added another
Green 8 deal as well.

You'll also notice that since I've had so many requests
for it the Tissue Regeneration deal has now been
activated again.

All orders will be processed as quickly as possible!
If you'd like expedited shipping you can use the
international deals - they'll allow you to choose your
shipping option.

So here's where you can see all the deals:

Regardless of what sort of holiday you may choose to
celebrate I'm wishing you a nice relaxed holiday.

Best of Health,

BTW - Dr Keith is uploading another video about his
Diet Wise Academy system so I'll let you know when
you can see that - should be just a day or two.

If you didn't see his first one check it out here:

I've had a number of friends over the years that
continue to eat all sorts of foods over the holidays
that for some of them have literally put them in the
hospital (two friends in particular).

While I've given them Dr Keith's book about this
neither of them ever read it and thus didn't use
his method. Dr Keith put this system together so
you don't have to read the book so instead you can
just follow along with his step by step videos.

But regardless of whether you want to actually try
out his system his first video shares a ton of
insight about eating and the problems with certain
diets that have become so popular.

Again if you haven't seen it yet check it out here:

Dr Keith's complimentary videos are extensively
researched and professionally created. They are
not just a cloaked sales pitch - but rather are
very educational. Watch them and you can see how
sharp he is with his 40+ years of alternative
medical expertise.

He's been very inspirational for me for years
and if you haven't seen his stuff I highly
recommend checking out his material.

And the second video will be up shortly..

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department