is this manipulated public opinion?

Published: Fri, 12/20/13


It sure seems that way to me - but check this out and let me know what you think?

This is a really quick one because it's Friday and you probably want to get on with your weekend stuff!

But I've been following this post on Amazon about Rife Machines. Surprising I know that this even exists on Amazon but there's a real problem that you can help!

This is serious.

You see the post has been overtaken by (likely) some sort of paid Trolls who are posting all sorts of garbage about Ouija boards and other garbage to discredit Rife's work.

Now I'm not one to make grandiose claims about Rife's technology, there are plenty of others that do; but I feel strongly that a lot of progress has been made with this technology especially in the last 5 years.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not harping on Ouija boards but you have to admit that they are considered by many to be hoky and they are associating that with Royal Rife's work.

Personally I consider Rife's level of genius on the level of Tesla, Schauberger, Reich and Revici. So the kind of ridicule going on with this post is oppressive.

There's not much I can do about this without getting myself in hot water but YOU can.

Please make comments on this thread and help support the legitimacy of Royal Rife's work. Let's take back this thread and show these Trolls what the web is about.

Here's the thread:

Point people to the to have serious discussion on this topic or just share your opinion if you feel like discussing the legitimacy of Royal Rife's work. Help shut down those trolls!

Thanks for taking part in this annihilation of manipulated public opinion - or social balance?

I sincerely think that this was a serious post at one point or I sure wouldn't mention it..

Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a happy solstice!

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