a diet code to reveal hidden allergies

Published: Sat, 12/21/13


The other day I sent you a message about these videos that my friend Dr Keith Scott-Mumby has created which share some great wisdom.

He's now uploaded the next video!
So you can see it here:

Wishing you a happy holiday,

BTW - here's the previous message in case you missed it. More detail about what Dr Keith is doing with this:


Recently you may have seen a message from me about a new series of videos that Dr Keith Scott-Mumby is sharing which is quite revealing.

Dr Keith is an old friend of mine, we actually connected back when he published a book about about electro-therapy devices (more on that below) and have been pals since then.

This recent work he's done is the culmination of decades of research (nearly 40 years!) in
which he's unraveled a *secret food code* that really can help you get your vitality back.

I previously sent you a link to the first video but that was the first of a series of 5 videos.

He's now posted the second one so you can check it out right here:


You'll see you have the option of taking this further and learning even more details of
Dr Keith's system by joining his new Diet Wise Academy.

Even if you don't decide to take this step you'll still get a ton out of the intro videos and there's more to come.

If you do choose to order this through my link then I'll give you a copy of the great book
that originally linked me up with Dr Keith. It's called "Virtual Medicine" and it covers
extensive history of diagnostic electrotherapy devices. Just cover a small shipping cost and it's yours as a bonus.*

Send your receipt to pulsedmagnetictherapy(at) gmail.com

Wishing you a continually enjoyable holiday season!

Best of Health,


* These books will be mailed out starting after Christmas. If you NEED it faster I may be able to work that out but please specify because the majority of the books are not yet at the warehouse.

This is edition #2 of the book which is very different from the third edition. In my opinion
they are both very much worth reading! Not sure if you can get edition #2 anywhere else in fact...

If you missed the first video it's right here:


And again the second video is here:


** I think this is obvious but full disclosure: If you purchase through my link I will receive a commission which might help me keep the lights on in my office.

However I would never even send a recommendation if I hadn't reviewed the material and feel strongly that this is a great product offering and have sincere feelings that the complimentary videos are in themselves very much worth watching.

If you want to contact me this is my online support department