new doctor interview posted: Dr Steven Summey

Published: Wed, 02/26/14

We made it to mid-week - hope yours has been awesome!

Last night we had a private call where a friend interviewed Dr Steven Summey and I personally found it very enlightening. He's got a way of explaining a somewhat technical topic which is super easy to understand.

You can listen to the call recording of that now but it got me so excited that I made this quick video. The link to the interview is on this page:

That's about it - just wanted to make sure you heard it.

Best of Health,

BTW - I've still been working on a very personal project that I elusively mentioned before. The new website is almost done and while I'm super excited about it this
also makes me a bit nervous.

You'll see once I share this it's a very personal story. It's about finance but it's not about business...

More soon ;~)


If you want to contact me this is my online support department