this new naturopathic doctor interview is awesome
Published: Tue, 04/29/14
Hope you are having a great start to your week! Around here it's turned back towards winter - since I like the rain and we need it this is really a blessing - and hey it's Oregon ;~).
I had to put a password on this new interview - so when you get to the page just type in: feelyounger
Here's where you can listen to the new Naturopathic doctor's interview:
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Also, I have a few extra dairyless Raw Chocolate Maca Truffles from Botonical Symbiosis. I'm giving them as a special bonus along with a couple other items.
But I've only got 12 left and the last ones took nearly two months to get ;~) so these won't likely last long.. Truth is they are so good I've got to give them away so I don't eat them all!
Call my office at 1-541-434-0318 before the end of the day on Wednesday for details.
Have an awesome rest of your week!
Best of Health,
password: feelyounger
BTW - I've got an extended new video about what I call "The 4 Different Types of Modern Rife Machines" which I'll have up in a day or two.
This video basically answers the most common questions that I get on a day to day basis about the machines you'll find out there.
You'll be hearing from me about that soon...