fun interview with two former NFL stars discussing their healing journey

Published: Thu, 10/09/14


We had a really fun interview last week with two former NFL football players, Eugene "Mercury" Morris & Willie Harper.

Regardless of whether you care a hoot about football their stories are worth listening to. Reason I say that is that you can't deny that a pro football player is going to be one of the most beat up athletes of all.

Typically during their careers they have serious injuries - after all it's a very rough sport.

Well this story has a pleasant ending so check it out right here:

I edited the audio so there's no fluff here only the meat of the interview because I know how busy you are.

Who's not busy these days, right?

This was a really fun interview though so I think you'll enjoy the listen.

Wishing you a great rest of your week!

Best of Health,


BTW - I got to meet Willie Harper recently so you'll also see a picture of me with him on the page..

PS - If you want to place an order you can give me a call (541-434-0318) so we can setup a wholesale account for you. On the website we can only sell at retail so you'd only see the wholesale upgrade option after placing the first order...

If you want to contact me this is my NEW online support department

This helpdesk was just moved and we are still getting it all setup now - if you have any trouble reaching me during this transition just give a call on the phone at 1-541-434-0318.