this is some important and healing info...
Published: Tue, 04/19/16
There's this valuable information being shared online today which you will likely learn some useful natural healing info from.
You can check it out right here
About this event - it's already been going on for a few days and they are doing an episode each day. On one of the episodes they discussed cancer-killing viruses and cancer stem cells. These are the actual root of the cancer which will regrow if they aren't eliminated with whatever therapies are used. Often this fact is overlooked in mainstream cancer therapy. When tumors are reduced but cancer stem cells aren't eliminated it tends to skew the statistics of
the therapy to make it look like it was more successful! This is just one of the sneaky ways that the cancer industry makes so much profit of their dangerous methods.
Since they are putting up a new episode at 6pm pacific each day you should go here now and get yesterday's before they take it down.
Go ahead and join the event right here
That's about it for now.
Wishing you the Best of Health,
BTW - If you're wondering where I've been for the last few months?
I made a video about it which I'll be sharing with you in the next few days to explain and give you a bit of an apology.
In the meantime if you have questions for me you can email me back right here!