some serious controversy over this film being pulled from a film festival

Published: Wed, 04/20/16


So there's been a lot of talk about vaccinations in the news lately. Did you hear that what Robert DeNiro said? I mentioned a film last year in one of my videos called Trace Amounts. I highly recommend you see it regarding the potential connection between vaccines and autism.

But there's a new film called Vaxxed which looks like it might top that one. It's a highly politicized film because of the people involved in it - and that seems to be one of the reasons that Robert DeNiro pulled it from his Tribeca Film festival!

Of course mainstream news like the LA Times ridicules the movie as a joke - but how could the LA times possibly not be influenced by Big Pharma?

Well the film is screening in a few different cities - hasn't come to Oregon yet so I haven't seen it! The trailer is pretty compelling ;-)
   Check it out here

DeNiro seems to feel there's a link between MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine and autism and is the father of an autistic child.

   And if you want to see what DeNiro said after pulling the film from screening it is pretty interesting.

Those are my thoughts for today. Just thought this might be interesting to you.

Best of Health,

BTW - About this Truth about Cancer event that's going on - there's still one day or so to get subscribed and I think there's going to be a replay of the previous episodes if you get in - I didn't have time to dig into the details but I heard about a "subscriber only" replay.

  Follow this link to register now for the replay

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