your thoughts about all these 'health summits'

Published: Tue, 05/17/16


How's your week so far?

So you've probably noticed all these 'summit' events lately. What do you think of them? Send me a message and let me know. I'm sure curious what you think of them.

They kinda go pretty quick and if you're busy like me it feels like unless you happen to have a bunch extra time it's easier to just order the replay.

In case you're new to these things the way it typically goes is each day new interviews are posted. You can listen to that days interviews but then the next day new ones replace them.

If you're on it you could listen to them while driving each day during a commute!

So on the latest one that's going on right now here's my review:

I listened to two great interviews so far (there are plenty more to come) the most notable for me was with Jordan Ruben.

He founded a company which he didn't talk about - probably because I heard he sold it for a huge sum. The company called Garden of Life uses the brand "Raw" for many of their popular products.

These were originally formulated by Jordan Ruben who healed himself from crohns disease with a protocol of unique probiotic formulas which were said to be the basis for his original line of products.

His formulas have helped a lot of people and his talk at this summit was quite informative.

Unfortunately (unless they do another replay) you'll only see some other great interviews right now when you jump into the summit by following this link

Because to watch/listen to Jordan's interview you may have to order the recordings since it was a few days ago.

Another great interview that I can review is that of Robert Whitaker. The most important thing about his work is his culmination of critiques of biological psychiatry.

In his book called "Anatomy of an Epidemic" he shows the clear lack of clinical scientific proof of the idea of a chemical imbalance as the reason for any psychiatric disorder.

He's a great author and substantiates his work with enough clinical references to even make my Dad who is a psychiatrist to read at least most of the book (which I gave him years ago ;-) and speak positively about it.

His interviews are always interesting. He also wrote a great book on the history of mental illness and associated therapies (including the brutal history)

I actually filmed him years ago here in Eugene but that interview seems to be lost on youtube somewhere...

Follow this link to jump onto this summit for the great replays that are going for the next few days right here

And if you jump in quick (like right now) you should be able to check out today's interview with Dr Thomas Levy about root canals and high dose vitamin C before this morning's interviews are updated. I've read some of his books and his info is always great.

Best of Health,

BTW - This summit seems like it is more oriented around information about vitamins and supplements but so far only one out of two (Jordan Ruben) was even loosely supporting the taking of your average types of vitamins.

Even Jordan seems to agree that the best supplements are actually foods that are condensed into a concentrated form.

Still great information at least what I've heard so far - if these things annoy you but you like the info and would just rather order the recordings and watch/listen to these at your leisure you can go right here to get them

They'll even send a USB stick with all the info which makes it simple.

But the replays are still up so you can get them just by registering here

You'll be hearing from me soon about some new videos that I'm getting all organized now. They are a few update videos and some training videos in a members area. You're welcome to ask me about them by sending me an email. Please be patient for my reply because there's been a lot going on around here and since I changed to a new ISP last week the email isn't sending (I'm such a failed geek ;-). It'll be fixed soon - got some good help..