Why the Cancer Industry / Cancer Conspiracy?
Published: Wed, 10/12/16
Of course it's an easy one word answer:
But why after so long do we have such slow change and so much of the same?
One of my favorite books on this subject is "The Cancer Industry" by Ralph Moss. In it he exposes the history of Sloan Kettering hospital from an insider's perspective which cuts to the core of corruption in medicine.
But more recently I've been reading another old book (you can get either of these on amazon, etc for cheap) this one specifically on the work of Gaston Naessens who, like Royal Rife developed a revolutionary microscope which lead to a natural immune boosting cancer therapy.
The point is when you look really close (high powered microscopy) there's a world that "they" don't want you to see!
Naessens "somatid cycle" revealed to him methods of detecting cancers long before they become a problem. He even developed a method of what seems like total prevention?
So why was his method not embraced even after he was acquited of the politically motivated charges put against him in 1989?
His method simply doesn't fi t the mold.
Since you're still listening to me rant on this subject here I'll quote a quote from this great book by Christopher Bird in 1991:
Walter Clifford: "In most worthy endeavors there are a few gentle giants who mold the age they live in. Gaston Naessens is such a man. Generally, these master builders are openly ridiculed by those styling themselves as 'learned'...
"None of Naessens's detractors, people who do not even seek to understand that there is more to real science than has ever crossed their imagination, have ever bothered to work with him in the laboratory. I have, many times, personally taken researchers of their stamp into my own laboratory to demonstrate to them, from their own blood samples, exactly some of the things Naessens has been reporting for years [decades now]. They viewed these things in my own microscope, things they've
n ever seen before. Do you think that made any difference? As outrageous as it may seem, most of them unblinkingly told me that, because what they had seen was not approved by any professional society, or governmental agency, they simply would not believe it. Believe their own eyes, that is!
"If these researchers, and I'm referring to dozens of them, were only dealing with abstractions, one might not necessarily be so profoundly shocked. But all of them, in one way or another, are supposedly responsible for human life. You may ask, "How can they be so callous?"
"The answer is connected to the fear they have of those who rule the medical and scientific fiefdoms of which they are only the vassals, fear that the power wielded by government agencies, drug companies, or research foundations will cut off their little funding grants and put an end to their "careers," if they step out of line.
"So they kowtow to authority and limit themselves to discovering exactly what their liege lords want them to discover, as thousands of worthless published research papers indubitably prove.
"Any project aimed at replicating and substantiating Gaston Naessens's work will n ever fi t into the program of grant applications of any major funding organization that I know of...
"Naessen's investigations require no "mega-buck" irradiation machines, scanners, or other costly and complex equipment. And his findings will certainly not sell billions of dollars worth of toxic drugs."
Follow this to a live online event which starts in two days which you can get awesome information like this and learn how to use that info to help more people
This live event isn't directly associated with Gaston Naessens but the information about bashing through the cancer industry and taking this on ourselves is top notch.
Also here I'd like to take a moment to explain that I've quoted from the great book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird. The excerpt that I quoted is actually a quote from an essay that was written by Walter Clifford. Interestingly I discovered after quoting this that this same quote was quoted in another book 9 years later! So I guess I wasn't the only one that liked this quote ;~)
Anyway - you will be glad if you don't miss this event.
Check this out now cause if you get in early you'll be able to attend the whole thing without any charge
Best of Health,
BTW - yes I've been rather quiet lately but will be sharing some great new healing research including some new info on a new source of Hyaluronic Acid and collagen!