Rife Training Call Phone Number
Published: Wed, 04/16/08
Sorry this email went out a little late.
(but it's still morning on the west coast ;-)
Been buzzing around here getting everything together
for this special call tonite.
I hope you can make it on the call live.
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby (author of 'Virtual Medicine'
and a bunch of other great books) will be interviewing
me as well as a special guest that I am bringing on.
Here's the details:
It's tonite Wednesday April 16th at 6pm PST/9pm EST
Phone-Number to Dial: 218-486-3696
Use Conference ID: 111804#
As I mentioned in my last email Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby
does a lot of great alternative health calls like this
and normally you have to be one of his subscribers to
gain access to them - but I twisted his arm to let you
come on the call as one of MY guests.
I figure if you like the call you'll then want to
subscribe to have access to all his other calls!
So I'll let you know soon how you can get info on his
other calls.
You can listen to this call online and save long distance
charges by using this link:
During the call we have a super special for the Rife
Research Kit which will just be available from 6pm PST
to 8pm PST (9pm EST to 11pm EST) and I am opening it
up for you even if you can't make it on the call live.
Two reasons really - you are one of my special subscribers
to this newsletter and I want you to use this link if you
are interested in the special rather than the one mentioned
on the call.
So do me a favor and use this link to check it out instead
of the one mentioned on the call:
(that page will change during the time the call is running
so check back during the call and you'll see what it's all about)
I hope you can make it on live so we can get your feedback
on Rife Technology.
Talk to you soon,
P.S. I'll be a the Bemer Convention this weekend in San Rafael
California. If you are in the area or were planning on attending
look for me and please introduce yourself. I'll be filming the
event for them so you'll see me behind the camera most of the
P.P.S. If you are interested in the instrument mentioned
on the call today these are the direct links that you can
use to learn more:
and again - the 'only for listeners' page:
(remember - this page will change during the time of the call
from 6pm PST to 8pm PST/ 9pm EST to 11pm EST)