check out this new video that I edited
Published: Mon, 06/30/08
Happy Monday!
Mondays' are usually a bit hectic so I don't write you
unless there's something really important and timely....
The video is one thing but that's not really that timely.
It is up on the same page where I give you the details
about the price hike that's hitting the Stirwands
tomorrow morning!
So there's really only a few more hours at the old price.
Stirwands are going up $20 each. This is quite a significant
rise and personally I wouldn't ever boost a price that
quickly - but this one is out of my hands...
The cool thing is that there's something else you'll get
since you are one of my subscribers - all the details are
on this page with the video:
If for any reason you have any trouble with that page the
Stirwand page is this one but you'll miss the bonus:
Since it's a busy monday I've got to get back to answering
emails. By the way - one of those new websites I was telling
you about recently is and this site will
have a ton of spoken word poetry video that I've filmed
real soon. Maybe you'll find some inspiration in it...
P.S. There are also some new reports on the
site which I just put up. Included are the final reports
from the 90 day hydration study with the Stirwand and the
companion reports.
Check them out here:
P.P.S. Soon...
You will be hearing from me about a big update on
the site really soon also.
If you haven't heard the edit of the Rife
Interview from mid April you can still check it
out here until the new site is finished: