Re: blank link? a bit of a screw up but this will make up for it
Published: Tue, 07/01/08
If you saw the blank page link from yesterday then you
are likely an Internet Explorer browser user.
(I mostly use firefox ;-0 )
The problem has been fixed so the page now views in
all browsers that we know of.
To make up for this mess you're gonna get another
chance at the same deal as before - this is only
for subscribers who read this message and only
for a few hours until I have to tally orders and
place my order).
Two codes - first:
loststirwand (gives $10 off each Stirwand)
whitescreen (gives $20 off each Stirwand)
(yes - right now these coupons can be used together)
This will bring the price back to what it was
yesterday - but I'm reserving to pull this
without warning. Sorry to have to do that but
it's unavoidable and the only reason I'm doing
this is because I screwed up.
Here's the (not blank) page with the video:
If for any reason you still have some trouble with
that page the Stirwand page is this one:
(coupons work either way)
Speaking of that busy monday I mentioned yesterday...
We have been super backed up with emails lately
which are really hard to keep up with sometimes
making it rather difficult for overseas communication.
This is only one reason I'd like to encourage
your use of the live support feature at your convenience.
There are images which say "Live Support Online" on the
footers of most of our webpages as well as on the
sidebar of many as well. These work quite well.
Wishing you a bright rest of the week,
P.S. The new reports on the site which
are worth downloading and don't require any forms to
fill out or anything like that - just simple links to
the PDF files. Included are the final reports
from the 90 day hydration study with the Stirwand and the
companion reports.
Check them out here:
Use these two codes which make up for the 'blank screen'
that IE browswers showed yesterday morning:
Two codes - first:
loststirwand (gives $10 off each)
whitescreen (gives $20 off each)
(yes - right now these coupons can be used together)
Here's the (not blank) page with the video:
(sorry this may only last a few hours before I'll
disable at least one of these 'subscriber only' codes)
P.P.S. Soon...
You will be hearing from me about a big update on
the site really soon also.
Sorry this new site has been taking so long...
If you haven't heard the edit of the Rife
Interview from mid April you can still check it
out here until the new site is finished: