Re: health technology reviews from TeslaTech conference
Published: Thu, 08/07/08
Mid week greeting to you!
I just got back from the Teslatech ExtraOrdinary
Technology conference which was super cool this
year - very busy so I missed a bunch of sleep
but well worth it.
Got to film some interviews with interesting
folks which you'll be able to see in the near
future as they get transferred online.
In the meantime I've got some blog posts that'll
give you an idea of what went on at this conference.
Also you should know that the only way that I was
able to get through this conference with the extreme
lack of sleep is with this:
On Friday of the conference I forgot this in my hotel
room and found myself wiped out on that day. My friends
even mentioned later in the weekend that I didn't look
like myself that day - quite strange.
Anyway - here are my TeslaTech ExtraOrdinary Conference
blog posts:
Hollow Earth Geologic Theory:
Royal Rife Lecture:
Alternative Fuels Can Save A Lot:
Can A Car Really Run On Water?:
Please share some of your comments on these posts
that I've made cause I'm really curious what you
think. You can also go to and get
the DVDs of these presentations if you are into it.
You might not know that my company was originally called
'Teslatech' but then eventually I landed on
'Future Tech Today'.
Now my friend Steve Elswick who has been doing Tesla
conferences for over 10 years now uses this name.
Anyway - now that I am back from this conference I'll
be finishing up a bunch of new health reports and
videos so I'll be in touch soon - and look forward
to hearing from you also.
P.S. If you sometimes feel that you don't get enough sleep
or otherwise compromise your health just from general life
(who doesn't huh?) this can help boost the most important
bio-chemical which your body produces for maintaining your
health - seriously.
Learn more about it here:
P.P.S. I just added a few more articles to the new site. They are linked towards the
bottom of the site above where I thank you for visiting...
Check it out here: