family, green 8's, cancer conference and teslatech videos?
Published: Thu, 08/21/08
This was going to be the email where I invite you to
watch the first of the video interviews that I filmed
at the Teslatech conference in New Mexico but
unfortunately it's not - I'll explain why below...
But first here's what's been going on...
Business and keeping you up with health technology news
is super important to me but family comes first and this
past weekend I got the chance to visit with my Mom and
sister up in Bellingham Washington where my sister is
starting a Homeopathic practice.
My Mom is a super special woman and since she lives so
many miles from me it's a very special time when we visit.
She's next coming to my house in Oregon on friday.
I wrote a post on my blog about it with some pics:
Green 8 Price Hike Is Coming...
For over 6 years Future Tech Today has been the US
distributor for the Green 8 cell phone protection
technology from Germany and we haven't raised the
price even once!
Right now it's cheaper to get Green 8's from us
than it is in Europe but once this next shipment
comes in the price will be changing from $29.95
to $34.95
You can be sure to get the old price even if we
oversell the inventory by placing your order here now:
I don't know exactly when this shipment will be
here but I can tell you that our stock is super
low right now - and by warning you right now
about the price change it's pretty likely that
some orders will be delayed by a couple days.
You are sure to get the old price by ordering here today:
Cash Saving Tip:
You will automatically save 39.60 if you change the
quantity of small Green 8's (cell phone sized) to 8.
When you put 8 Green 8's (small) into your shopping
basket it will automatically give you a discount.
No code is needed - this discount will only be available
until the price change happens.
Order 8 and save...
Here's the scoop - the interviews that I filmed in
New Mexico at the Teslatech conference were filmed
in High Definition in a special format which, although
very high quality, is proving to be a challenge to
edit! A friend of mine has been working on converting
the files all day into a format that will be viewable
on the browser but it just isn't working yet! (sorry ;-)
Here's a preview of what you'll be seeing soon...
At the Teslatech ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference
in New Mexico earlier this month I had the chance to
do a few interviews with some of the speakers as well
as some notable friends.
The first of the Teslatech 2008 interviews is a special
segment that I filmed with Dr. Len Horowitz and Joe
Blankenship. If both of these names don't ring a bell
you are up for a special surprise.
For this video I got the chance to coordinate an
interview with these two special individuals.
You'll see a special researcher named Joe Blankenship
as he was interviewed by Dr. Leonard Horowitz who
also did a lecture at the conference.
I will be sending you a link to this video as soon
as we have it edited and working. And once we get
this figured out more videos will follow.
The next voyage that I'll be making is to the Cancer
Control Society annual meeting for Labor Day which
is in Los Angeles.
We'll have a booth there at the conference and I hope
you can make it - it's a great event but a bit towards
the info overload area so be prepared. If you are going
for loads of info this is a good place to load up.
That's about it for now.
I hope you are having a nice, relaxed summer.
P.S. The easiest way to understand what this does is
that it simply gives your cells the ingredients they
need to produce more cellular energy.
Electro-magnet;c tools can do similar things with
energy but this does it nutritionally on an
'intra-cellular' level and requires only a small
I just put up some new audio info about it here:
P.P.S. The Green 8 is a small energetic product which
attracts atmospheric energy to change the field from
a cell phone to a more bio-magnet;c field that is less
disruptive to your bio-energetic field.
The price of the Green 8 small for cell phones will
change from $29.95 to $34.95 when the new shipment
arrives from Europe so you should grab some now to
secure the lower price: