subscriber only special for a couple days
Published: Thu, 08/28/08
So I'm about to head down to the Cancer Control Society
convention in Los Angeles and was thinking that it's
been way too long since I gave you something special
for reading this.
Since the Green 8 (Reliable Cell Phone Radiation
Protector from Germany that, unlike others out there,
won't wear out while you use it ;-) is about to go
up in price I figured this is a perfect time.
Also this is my most popular product of all time.
Most folks love them cause they feel the different
on long calls.
(you can always send it back if you don't like it
cause I don't want you to feel weird about this stuff)
So go ahead and get some Green 8's in the next couple
days using this coupon code and you'll get $5 off
each of them.
Here's the code:
And the page:
Here's the trick...
On Saturday as soon as I can get it done (I will be at
the Conference running a booth) the price will go up
from $29.95 per Green 8 to $34.95
The code will still give you the $5 off after that
but it will be $5 off the higher price so you might
not want to wait ;-)
In the 6+ years that we've been importing this product
(paying Euro's for them) our price has increased many
times and this is the first time we've raised it.
So I am sorry about that but it really has to be done.
And if you don't need any cell phone protection chips
right now it's totally cool - we will continue to have
them but just don't tell me I didn't warn you about
the price change.
And if you already have a Green 8 you can always give
them to people you care about!
So check out the video that I've got on this page:
Don't forget to use the code:
That's about it for now. We've been working hard on
videos but things are just not 'clicking' on getting
these video interviews online right now.
If you can ever make it to this Cancer Research Conference
you will be glad you did (every labor day in Los Angeles)
I hope your summer is rounding out well and I wish you
a great upcoming Labor Day.
Talk to you soon.
Best of Health,
P.S. I've been getting great feedback from folks
about the energy boosting glutathione booster
but thought it really needed a better explanation...
The way I look at it many of the instruments that
I use boost the energy level of our cells by literally
changing the electrical potential. This has been shown
to help improve cell metabolism.
This new supplement actually does a similar thing
nutritionally - by giving your cells all the building
blocks to produce more glutathione. This is basically
what gives the cells energy and that's why it's making
such a difference for folks that are lacking energy
(such as Chronic Fatigue and other such symptom complexes)
Anyway - you can learn more about it by listening to
some of the new audios I posted here:
P.P.S. If you want to know the details of why the
video from the Teslatech Conference haven't been
put online yet - it's because they were shot in
High Definition and editing these has proven to
be a challenge - but progress is being made so
one of these days I'll have them up and let you