CNN reporting cell phones affect sperm quality?
Published: Fri, 09/19/08
In case you missed this headline on CNN's website
they just reported the other day about a small study
that was done by a Cleveland Clinic.
If you're busy and want to go right to it I've got
links on this story here:
The significance of this study is quite limited
compared to others that have been done but I point
it out because it's just interesting that this stuff
is now being reported in the mainstream news.
What they did was take 32 semen samples from a
group of men and brought them into the lab. They
subjected the samples to one hour of 'talk' mode
at 2.5 cm distance and it showed significantly
increased oxidative stress in the cells over the
This was really more of a pilot study than anything
else so we'll see where this goes and if anyone chooses
to repeat this study with a larger number of participants.
Here's the link to the CNN report:
(on the Green 8 page linked below I've got a link to
the actual study PDF report)
Now there's even more reason to want to be protected
from your Cell Phone with the Green 8 Protector.
Because our last Green 8 order from Germany came in
with the German packaging and we had some delays
in shipping I've re-opened the $5 per Green 8 coupon
til next friday Sept 26th.
Also this is my most popular product of all time.
Most folks love them cause they feel the different
on long calls.
(you can always send it back if you don't like it
cause I don't want you to feel weird about this stuff)
So go ahead and get some Green 8's in the next couple
days using this coupon code and you'll get $5 off
each of them.
Here's the code:
And the page:
Like I mentioned about there's a link to the
'Cell Phone Radiation Sperm Quality Study'
on the Green 8 page
So check it out on this page:
Don't forget to use the code:
Talk to you soon.
Best of Health,
P.S. I just updated the video on
so if you haven't seen the info on this website
you should check it out. There's a very informative
audio interview which reveals the new information
about the historical Beam Rays Corporation machine
and the exact frequencies that it was using.
Check it out right here:
P.P.S. We're working on editing some other new
videos on Rife Technology, PulsedMagneticTherapy
as well as some of the interviews from the
ExtraOrdinary Teslatech Convention.
Since I got back from the Cancer Control Society
Convention on Labor day things have been super
busy just to keep up hence the lack of communication.
(I've also been working hard to get a bunch of pesto
made and frozen before winter hits ;-)
You still have time to plan your travels for the
Rife Conference coming up on Oct 10-12 in Seattle WA.
Visit for more info and tell
'em I sent you if your coming (I don't get anything for
that but it's just good for them to know).
I will be there with some new technology that hasn't
been shown before - that's all I can say for now
but the interview you can get access to here will
give you some background:
Hope you can make it to the conference.