Re: cell phone towers & health debate - another political rollercoaster?

Published: Sun, 11/16/08


It's been quite awhile so there's a bunch of stuff I want to
catch up with you on so here's a summary of this email:

1. You can watch the video interview that I did about
cell phone towers and health right away by going here:

2. Join me for a really interesting interview Thursday
with my friend Peter who is an expert on NeuroPsychoImmunology:
(quite a mouthful but he makes it sound super easy)

But also if you were wondering why I've been so quiet
lately here's the scoop...

Ever since the Rife Conference last month up in
Seattle things have been moving so fast - not just
the distraction of the big election thing but just
really busy with some big projects coming to fruition.

We introduced some prototypes of a new instrument
which could be considered a bit of a sister unit to
the GB4000. We also did a little video covering what
this piece of equipment is. So instead of explaining
I'm going to just let you watch it.

The editing isn't finished yet - should be by the end
of the month.

I can't wait til it's done cause this machine is super
exciting. It makes me not even want to try to describe
it to prevent any kind of misunderstanding (video is
much easier to relate to).

Anyway - the interview that I did on cell phone towers
was much easier for us to finish editing. I interviewed
my friend Ted who was one of the primary researchers
to beat AT&T's planned cell phone tower that would have
been just a few feet from his house in a beautiful
coastal Oregon town called Seal Rock.

This just goes to show you that YOU can beat the man!

Whether your community happens to be going through
anything like this (hopefully not ;-) or not this is
an interesting story.

It is kinda long (over 50 minutes) so eventually, if
it seems that folks are interested in this, I may do
a 10 minute edit for youtube. This video seems to have
been vertically stretched slightly so we look really
tall ;~)

So for now here's the full length video interview page:

I hope things have been going well for you lately and
I look forward to hearing you with us on the live
interview this coming Thursday.

Talk to you soon.



P.S. I'm doing an interview with a fascinating guy on Thursday.
He's done some very interesting work on a subject called
NeuroPsychoImmunology. But even if you can't pronounce that
word you'll still be able to get a lot out of this interview.

There's not any charge or anything for the interview.

Go ahead and register for the call by going to this website:

Also - if you register and can't make it you'll get the
recording of the interview so you can listen at your

Either way the interview is set for this Thursday Nov. 20th

Here's where you can get all the details: