five reasons to be there...
Published: Tue, 11/18/08
This Thursday I have put together a complimentary live
training call packed with great information. You can me
for a whole hour with Peter Julian the CEO and Publisher
of the Whole Brain Learning Institute (WBLI).
WBLI is a pioneer and leader in the field of Accelerated
Learning and Psychoneuroimmunology (the study of the interaction
between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems
of the human body).
The methods Peter uses involve proprietary Psychoacoustics.
While that is surely a mouthful, it basically means that they
use sound and other proprietary processes to produce positive
and lasting change in the mind and body.
Here are five quick reasons why you do not want to miss this call!
1. You are going to get one of their products in exchange for
simply being on the call - and it hasn't ever before been
released to the pubic. (I've been using it ;-)
2. You are going to learn about a very special process
(Gratituning(TM)) for tuning your body to the exact vibration
of attraction. This is NOT simply information about the
"law of attraction" this is application that helps you to
actually ATTRACT.
3. You are going to learn about the two roadblocks that
have kept every self help program that you have ever tried
from producing the results that you wanted or expected.
4. You are going to learn about how you can improve brain
function and accelerate your ability to learn while reducing
stress to your mind and body.
5. Learn how Peter's company was successfully using their core
technology more than 30 years ago to help people who had
suffered physical brain damage to rewire synaptic processes
to regain function that had been lost.
So go now and grab your spot while we still have
lines available:
Looking forward to talking to you on the call - this should
really be fun.
Best of Health,
P.S. I'm collecting questions at our help desk for this
interview. Please use the subject line:
"Question for Thursday's Interview" that way it will
be forwarded to me!
So put in your question here:
P.P.S. I'm really excited that Peter is letting me give
you the "Maximum Tune Up" download. I've been using it
myself to help rebalance my brain in the middle of the day.
All you have to do is get on the call live and you'll
be able to download this (all 100+ megs!)
First step is to register for the call here:
For online support visit: