this interview I'm doing thursday (tomorrow) is gonna be cool
Published: Wed, 11/19/08
I'm doing an interview tomorrow at 6pm PST with Peter Julian
and this is going to be more like a telephone workshop cause
just by attending you're going to learn some cool stuff.
What's this all about?
It's about brain entrainment using advanced audio technology.
The really cool thing is that Peter is introducing a new
product and letting you have it just for being on the
call. I didn't know he was going to do that until just
the other day when I got the download myself.
You'll have to be registered and on the call to get
the download link. I may be able to twist his arm
and allow folks that miss the call to get the download
when listening to the recording - so even if the timing
isn't good for you go ahead and register anyway.
(cause you will have to be registered to hear the recording)
So far about half of the 97 lines that we have available
are taken so there's still room for you to get in now.
Register here:
I look forward to hearing your voice on the call so
we can know each other even better.
Best of Health,
P.S. Like I said on the last email...
I'm collecting questions at our help desk for this
interview. Please use the subject:
"Question for Thursday's Interview" that way it will
be forwarded to me!
So put in your question here:
P.P.S. I'm really excited that Peter is letting me give
you the "Maximum Tune Up" download. I've been using it
myself to help re-balance my brain in the middle of the day.
All you have to do is get on the call live and you'll
be able to download this (all 100+ megs!)
First step is to register for the call here: