health technology updates: new cancer ebook & news

Published: Thu, 01/29/09


What a busy last couple weeks around here - I hope
you've had more time to breath lately!

There's been so much going on I'll be brief about
all of em here.

1. Last couple days on the Far Infrared Sauna January
Bonus (which is worth over $1300 since I decided to
sweeten it up even more).

Check it out here:

2. My good friend (who also wrote one of my fave books
called 'Virtual Medicine') has just released his
newest eBook called 'Cancer Confidential' and you
might just have a hard time 'putting it down' when you
get it.

It's funny saying that about an eBook but you'll want
to print this one out for sure. I mean it's 158 pages
so your printer might be busy for awhile.

Here's the deal though - right now the only way to get
it is to register on his site where you'll get a short
report on overcoming cancer.

It's very much worth the effort. Get it here:

Once you get that you'll be able to learn more about this
ebook and consider getting it.

Why get an eBook on Cancer by Dr. Keith?

Well first of all an eBook on such a crucial topic is
better than a physical book - because everytime an update
is completed it's just a few clicks away!

Dr Keith told me he will be giving the updates to those
that get the eBook.

This is not your average 'already heard it' book on cancer.
Here's a few of the chapter names:
- The Oxygen Connection
- Homeopathy and Homotoxicology
- Quinton Marine Plasma
- Hyperthermic or Fever Therapy for Cancer
- Amygdalin (Laetrile)
- Electromagnetic factors in disease
- Fields of Life
- The Rife Machine
- Geopathic Stress

This is just a few of the 37 chapters.

Anyway - he still needs to work on the website ;-)
but you should go grab the report and the eBook:

I had a number 3. but I'll save it til the site
is completely redone...

Thanks for reading,


P.S. Far-Infrared technology is one of the most important
ways to effectively detox. Still for the next couple days
you can get a nice FIR bonus:

Follow me on twitter:

(sorry - I haven't been super active on it yet but
it's gonna happen in the few weeks ;-)

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