shouldn't president's day actually 'be' a holiday this year?
Published: Tue, 02/17/09
Isn't it usually just one of those "big sale" holidays
where all the car companies slash their prices but
the banks don't even close.
Well actually the banks did still close but this year
it seems we might actually have a reason to celebrate
presidents day which used to be a celebration of
george washington's birthday (Feb 22,1732).
And you can get 20% off everything* on our newly
renovated site:
Use Code: green8prez
This only lasts til george's birthday Feb 22nd @midniteEST
But sometimes time flies so fast if you know what I
mean. Recently that's how it's been around here...
I have a bunch of cool stuff coming up really soon
some of which I'll let you know of ahead of time but
sometimes interviews come up so quick the best is to
let you know where you can grab the recording to listen
at your leisure (iPod or whatever).
But right now you should take a peek at our latest updated
site about the German cell phone protection technology
called the Green 8.
Is a website ever really "done"?
Probably not.
But the reality is that this one needed an update so badly
for awhile that it's nice to finally see (much easier to
navigate as you'll see).
Anyway - it looks like I'll be doing an interview with
Dr Keith Scott-Mumby in the next few days or so where we'll
be covering new "high tech" sauna methods for more effective
detox taking the traditional sauna to new levels.
We'll likely just make this into a series of interviews
about the latest effective methods for safe detoxification.
Anyway - this isn't *just* gonna be about far-infrared
technology - but my plan is to open up dialogue to disuss
the pros and cons of various types of saunas - traditional
and otherwise.
If I actually had more details I would tell you now but
can assure you the recordings will be available somewhere.
There will be a Rife Research update about our new
Ray Tube Instrument coming shortly, but that's about
it for now.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. The Green 8 technology was developed in Germany
about a decade ago as a solution to the problem of
the health impact of cell phone radiation.
In the past ten years the problem of wireless technology's
health effects has become much more prominent so there
have been a number of new solutions introduced for other
wireless technology.
You'll see on that the products are very
easy to use and they don't wear out. They also carry a
really crazy guaranty.
Check it out:
( and don't forget to use the code: green8prez )
* 20% off does not include wholesale products.
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