quick video update on rife technology

Published: Thu, 03/26/09


When I say quick - I mean it.

This one is only 2 minutes and it's on my newly
revamped site about Royal Rife technology.

Just a real quick video update...

Check it out here:

The site is more interactive now so you can post
your questions about Rife Technology right on the
site and I'll answer them personally.

Keep in mind though that with the recent issues
with legality if you get too specific with medical
terminology I won't be able to answer it. Stick
to the RifeForum for those kinds of questions.

I will be able to address technical questions on
comparing technologies.

You'll also notice that this new site has no mention
of my popular GB4000 machine. The machine has been
moved to a new website:

I've got some more videos that are almost done
which I'll let you know about soon.

Hope all is well for you.



P.S. Here's my quick (2 minute) video update
on the new Rife Technology website:


Follow me on twitter:

(Social media sites are super powerful but I
haven't really got sucked in by them quite yet
so my twitter/facebook presence isn't much at
this point. This may change soon...)

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