new study on BPA - new reason you need this

Published: Thu, 10/22/09


BPA (bisphenol A) is a compound that has been used
in plastics for many, many years but it has become
quite clear from numerous studies lately that it
is potentially very harmful and should be avoided.

Since it's in most plastics it outgases chemicals into
water from water bottles so if you are buying bottled
water you are at risk. (search VOCs volatile organic chem)

This is why I've been using a sta;nless steel water
bottle when I'm on the go for years and I recommend
you do the same (available in most health food stores
these days).

Dr Keith Scott-Mumby has been writing about the risks
associated with BPA and even reported about a bribe
that got it through the FDA safety challenges!

If you are buying bottled water you really should
consider getting a good quality water purifier that
you can use in your home. It will not only save you
on bottled water expenses but you'll eliminate the
toxins from BPA!

In the Future Tech store we have a great system
called the Wellness Kitchen filter and since there's
a brand new model that just came out here's a $25
coupon: newwell

I'll keep this coupon active for the next week.



P.S. I have a someone new that will be assisting
in editing the many videos that I've filmed at
various events in the last few months so you will
be seeing some cool stuff coming soon...

P.P.S. This water system is the one that I use
along with a Stirwand to get some of the most
hydrating water in a super easy to use setup.

Since there's a new model that just came out
you can use this coupon for $25 off:
newwell (not case sensitive)

Go ahead and order on this page:

One of the cool things is that the undersink
model which used to be an extra $150 investment
is now the same price as the countertop model.
That and the filters are now super easy to change!

P.P.P.S. Or grab a GB4000 Frequency Generator. It will
run all of Rife's original frequencies which no
other generator that I've found can do:

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(sorry - I haven't been super active on it yet but
it's gonna happen soon ;-)

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