important commentary on national healthcare & new videos

Published: Fri, 01/22/10


I was just realizing I hadn't even sent you a
Happy New Year message yet - when January hits
I'm always feeling pumped up to get things done
so that's the reason for the delay.

But I hope your 2010 is off to a good start!

This video was shown to me recently by a respected
friend and I think it really lays out some important
points about the national health care bill that's
being proposed.

So I wrote a bit about it and put it up on my blog
with a couple new videos that I've been meaning to
get online for awhile.

These are all related to your freedom to choose the
methods of care that you want.

So check out the videos and my commentary here:

Let me know what you think of the videos that I posted
by linking into youtube and typing in your comments.

A bunch of interesting stuff is coming up so you'll
be hearing from me again soon.

Best of Health,


It's all up on the blog post:

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way - much better than trying to send email...

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