this is perfect for Independence Day

Published: Sun, 07/04/10


I gotta be quick because people are waiting on me
to go sailing - but this is perfect for Independence
day and you may want to meet me for this in

(perfect because we'd all like to be celebrating
energy independence using Tesla technology!)

Each year at the end of July nearly for the past
15 years I've been going to this alternative technology
conference - it's now called "TeslaTech".

(There's a funny story there because that was my
old company name and they asked me if they could
use it wanting to change the name of their company ;-)

The topics that are covered at this conference are
always the cutting edge science stuff like Nikola
Tesla, Royal Rife, all that kind of stuff. The keynote
speaker this time is a guy named John Searl who I
read about many years ago as being a UK man who
built and flew an electro-gravitic craft. (probably
the most real account of anti-gravity in modern times)

This year I'll be bringing the MOPA and a bunch of other
cool stuff to put on display so if you haven't seen that
up in person this will be perfect.

Anyway, there's still time to join me there.

Here's the program:

I don't get anything for telling you about this (and
don't care to) but please do me a favor and tell them
you heard about it from me if you do signup and go.

Hope to see you in Albuquerque!

And I hope you are enjoying your 'Independence' no matter
where you might be...



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