it's cool when intense dreams lead to great accomplishments like this

Published: Mon, 07/26/10


I hope your summer is bringing you some really good
dreams. Mine haven't been this interesting but it's
fun to hear about stuff like this...

So I'm about to head to New Mexico for this
conference ( where the main speaker
started building these levitating electromagnetic
generators based on these recurring dreams he had
as a child. (John Searl)

What's funny is that now I'm reading this great Book
about natural remedies for cancer and it's got this
large section on this natural cancer treatment that
was developed by a man named Jim Sheridan who had
these recurring dreams that during high school and
eventually lead him to a formula for a very unique
and natural anti-cancer formula.

It's had a few names over the years including
Entelev and Cancell and I had heard about people using
and getting good results with "Cancell" but the info
about it was quite scarce.

Well it's now under a new name and you can read about
it in this Book that I'm reading right now as I head for NM:

While there's a good 80 plus pages dedicated to what
this stuff is (Entelev/Cancell) it's actually only a
fraction of what's in this extensive Book.

This is definitely one of those resources worth having
for reference, it's about 500 pages and it's well
referenced and well indexed.

There's a section on Royal Rife's work which is quite
good although I did find a few historical errors that
could be clarified on specific machines, but that's
my main area of study and it's not that their story
is at all misdirected. It's a very good account of
Rife's perspective.

Some of the other chapters, to give you an idea of
all is covered in there:
- Hoxsey Therapy
- Essiac Tea
- Gerson Therapy
- Laetrile
- Dr Kelly's Enzyme Therapy
- Burzynsky's Antineoplastons
- Flaxseed & Cottage Cheese
- 714X
- Cesium Chloride

There's also a chapter on Hormones for both men and
women (a separate chapter for each).

And there's a chapter on dental toxicity which is one
of the most overlooked root causes of cancer in the
first place and if you don't clear the root cause
all sorts of other techniques are likely to only work

Anyway, I think that's a good enough review of this
great resource. You can go ahead and get it here
if you think you'll find it useful:

I'll try to write from the conference in New Mexico
but if it gets really busy you might not hear from
me until I return to publish some of the videos
that we make there.



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