International Day of Peace

Published: Tue, 09/21/10


This is super cool so I had to let you know about it!

It's been awhile that I've been tied up as this summer
rushed to a close here in Oregon but did you know about

Tuesday is actually the official International Day of Peace
which is destined to be a global ceasefire day to help
people all over the world.

It started back about 10 years ago and it was officially
voted in by the United Nations.

You can get the whole story by watching the documentary
called "Peace One Day" if you haven't seen it yet. It is
quite an inspiring film...

Well some friends of mine are in the middle of a 5 day
web broadcast dedicated to this Tuesday's International
Day of Peace.

It's pretty cool what they are doing. You can check it
out right here:

They've been broadcasting some really cool information
for the past few days - I just wish I got you this info

I have a lot of important updates and reports coming soon
so you'll be hearing from me soon!

I hope things have been going well for you lately ;-)


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