RifeCode webinar replay posted

Published: Wed, 12/08/10


I hope you are having a good start to your
December month. You can scroll down to get
right to the webinar replay info...

But I made a big decision in the last few days
to stop carrying a product which I like a lot.

Why would I do this? Focus!

I'm focusing on other things that are more
important to me right now - such as trainings
on Electro-Therapy & Royal Rife stuff.

So we are closing out the Stirwands for the
holiday and since you are my subscriber you
get a special discount code.

Just go here to learn more:
You can signup for the webinar here;


During checkout use this code: stirwanddeal

You'll get $20 off each Stirwand while they
last; but we only have a few of each model.
So this is just until we run out and we may
contact you to adjust your order if we're
out of one of the models you order but not

I was one of the first distributors of this
product since it was developed by a friend
and they do make it quite easy to get more
hydration out of your water. We may choose
to carry them sometime in the future but right
now the focus will be on other things.

RifeCode Webinar Replay Posted!

The RifeCode Webinar that I did last week is now
posted so you can check it out at your convenience.

Check it out here:


If you like what I share on the webinar send it to some
of your friends so they can see it.

Best of Health,


P.S. I got a lot of great feedback on the RifeCode
webinar so I think you'll like it if you have any
interest in Royal Rife's Disease fighting technology.

There's no need to signup for anything - you can
see the replay of the webinar here:


P.P.S. All Stirwands are on closeout for the holidays
for subscribers only until they are gone (only a few
of each are left anyway).

Check em out here:


Use discount code: stirwandeal

It gets you $20 towards each one.

If you want to contact me here's the best
way - much better than trying to send email...

Here's my support department:

This will take you to our support desk.

Follow me on twitter: