this is why you can help the honey bees

Published: Thu, 01/06/11


Hopefully you are on a good start with your 2011!

You've probably heard about the issue of Honey
Bees dying off - this became a hot topic a
couple years back when some large scale commercial
bee keepers started to speak out about it.

Nothing has really been resolved though...

And it's not cell phone radiation that's the problem!

And it's not just a problem with "commercial"
bee keeping practices (another subject altogether).
All bee keepers are being affected and the problem...

(it hurts me to say MAY with how certain I am of this)

...may be the result of the proliferation of a
single group of chemicals primarily used in
(very common) pesticides and other agricultural
products - even pet products!

It's manufactured by Bayer Corporation.

This stuff is so common and so toxic it's sick.
Already banned by the French gov't...
It's a neurotoxin which affects the dexterity of
bees at levels of parts per billion.

They're also banned in Germany where Bayer's
headquarters is at!

That's why I created this:

Write some comments on there and let me know
what you think.

I'll be adding more info up there as I get
it so hit the "Like" button and lets stay
in touch on this.

If we all pitch in we can really help protect
the honey bees and all the other native
pollinators which our agricultural system
relies up so much - and these chemicals are
hurting them so much.

Check it out here:

Thanks for considering the bees, they really
are our friends ;-).

