radiation preparedness update

Published: Tue, 03/29/11


How've you been doing lately?

Sorry I haven't written in a bit but I've been
in deep study mode lately and preparing some
really important new information for you.

Right when this terrible disaster in Japan
happened I just so happened to be working on updating
one of my old websites RadiationReport.com
(don't bother going there yet, the new site is not up ;-)

Of course this site used to be all about the hazards
of electro-smog type radiation from wireless technology.
Obviously other types of radiation are on most of our
minds lately and more important than before.

So I've been really digging into this topic of radiation
exposure and have a lot of info to share with you.

In the meantime I did at last get the newest Green 8
Radiation Protection Body Harmonizers.

Check them out here:


Hopefully my new info on radiation will be ready in
a few days - I'll let you know when it is. No hysteria,
just good info for your preparedness.



P.S. What these new Green 8 Pendants do is help
build your defense mechanism from low intensity
background radiation. It's designed primarily
for wireless radiation so don't misunderstand
and think that this will protect you from

Since they are brand new though there's a nice
special to convince you to check one out sooner:


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