December updates...

Published: Thu, 12/08/11


I hope you are having a good start to your
December - been busy busy around here...

My intention was to do this awhile ago but
because of a delay in our shipment it had
to wait - but for the holiday season all of
our Green 8 radiation protection products
will ship for nothing on retail US orders.*

Since our popular line of Green 8 products from
Germany make great gifts this seemed like an
appropriate idea.

You can read about the mobile phone protection
here - it specifically corrects the newest
"smartphones" which are much more invasive:

And the full line of products here:

So what else has been going on?

Quite a bit actually...

I've just updated my DNA Frequency Report which
is a collaboration of work that was shared by my
buddy Craig Ledwell. The deactivation sets for
Bartonella were added by popular demand.

The feedback that I've been getting from folks
that have started to use these frequencies is
proving their efficacy - but before I link you
to that report there's one other thing...

I'm excited to share with you some great investment
info where I've been learning some great additional
ways to prosper in these difficult financial times
- check out this cool video about it here:

And here's where you can get the DNA Frequency

Enjoy the rest of your week - soon I'll let you
know about a new eBook I've almost finished on
on the dangers of wireless technology - something
I've been working on for (years really) quite a

That's a lot of stuff for sure - hopefully it's
not too much all at once ;-) please let me
know what you think of it all!

Best of Health,

* the only exceptions on this are the Combo packs
which still reflect old pricing ;) but the
Green 8 Gold 5 pack does apply ;-)

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department

My recent Facebook page on Rife Technology: