hole in the roof sale
Published: Tue, 06/26/12
It's true, there's a hole in my roof but it's
the consequence of living underneath such awesome
But holes in the roof need to be repaired so we're
putting all our popular Green 8's on sale for a few
days to help pay for this to get fixed.
So check out this page and you can see the hole
in my roof:
This hole was caused by a HUGE fallen limb from
one of the many hundred plus foot trees that tower
over my house.
In case you aren't familiar with the Green 8's
they are a proven technology to help alleviate
the stress from wireless phones and other wireless
technology which we import from Germany.
The Green 8 Gold is the only system out there
which I know about which was specifically updated
to address the increased stress from the newest
3G and 4G wireless technology (smartphones, ipads,
And right now these are all on sale because I'm
trying to raise money to pay for a hole in my roof!
So help me out with the roof ;-)
Check it out right here:
That's about it for now.
Best of Health,
BTW - In case you didn't hear about it I'm doing a training
on my popular MOPA & GB4000 Frequency Generators on
Thursday (just a few days from now!).
If you own one please join us on the training session
by signing up here:
If you've been thinking about getting one it might also
be helpful for you.
If you want to contact me this is
my online support department