fixed link - wow, that was embarassing!

Published: Thu, 10/25/12


A few hours ago I sent you a message with a
link that didn't go to the page where it should
have. I'm really sorry about that!

Long story short is that it's fixed now.

Check it out right here:

What happened is that my webmaster for some
reason decided to install this link tracking
script on this same site right before I sent
you the message!

That's why the link didn't work. Now it does.

I guess this just adds to the already crazy
week it's been around here...

In case you didn't see it earlier I've pasted
the other email below.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on
my new video.




What a week it's been! Hoping yours hasn't
been as crazy...

This message would have gone out like a
week ago to share this video but things just
kept getting in the way.

Anyway, it's on this new site:

Check it out and let me know what you think.

That's about it for today. I hope you are having
a good start to the season. It's sure starting to
rain around here! Nice rain though ;-).

Best of Health,


BTW - We switched to a new shopping cart
recently so if things look different that's
part of it.

Also we had to move our support desk to a
new server and there have been some issues.
Please bear with us - everything should be
working sometime today...

Currently our outgoing emails from the support
desk are not going out which is rather
frustrating. It means all the messages that
I've tried to send to you didn't make it...
There's always the telephone ;-)

If you want to contact me this is
my online support department