what an interesting...

Published: Fri, 05/24/13


Hoping you have had a nice relaxed week. It hasn't
exactly been like that around here.

Our main website (futuretechtoday.com) has been down
since Monday - along with a bunch of others...

You could say the gremlins got them when we were moving
to a new server. So it's been interesting for sure...

At last that one is back up! Some others not yet but
all will be resolved shortly. Trying to keep it light
around here because sometimes you just have to go with
the flow and be accepting of problems..

For me it's about time for a shower - bet you know
the feeling ;-).

Interestingly my newest video relates to this:


Lots of other projects coming along lately so you'll
be hearing from me about some new reports really soon.

Wishing you have an awesome weekend!


BTW - Our server issues should be 100% fixed in
the next day or so - but in the meantime check
out this latest video and see why I'd bother to
make a video about an extraordinary shower filter:
