this really surprised me about smart meters
Published: Thu, 07/25/13
(this is where you can see my latest video)
Since it's been rather strange around here lately
you'll find this rant on so called "Smart Meters"
to be about the same..
I'll save the report on my recent kiteboarding injury
for next time (always humbling), incidentally this caused
me to miss ONE of the local smart meter meetings.
Didn't think this would be such a big deal...
I was very wrong!
The politics on smart meters are getting very odd so
you'll hear updates from me about it. I am working on
a video from a local event here that just happened.
These are wireless transmitters akin to a mini version
of the towers that allow your mobile phone to communicate.
For lots of reasons this is a bad idea...
Maybe I was just being naive thinking our local community
really wanted to appose this - but at a local utility
meeting Tuesday night we had a guest doctor who is quite
knowledgeable on EMF health effects, but his conclusion
had me a bit surprised.
This doctor simply did a presentation that would scare
any sensible person to keep their home as far away as
possible from transmitters like a smart meters or mobile
phone tower, then turned the tables and concluded that
since the utility had clearly made it's mind up already
to adopt the technology - we should now 'simply' force
the vendors of the meters to change the tech to minimize
the timing of the data transmissions to once every two
And since "the problem" is that it's transmitting all
the time that would "solve" the problem.
This, he thinks will alleviate the technology from being
harmful because you could just set the timing of the
transmission to be at a time when you are at work or
Wow. I guess I shouldn't have missed that meeting.
These things are really ruining peoples lives, I've
spoken to many individuals who have been seriously
affected and there does not appear to be pre-market
safety data on these transmitters which have already
been allowed by the FCC.
Fundamentally I find the idea flawed but I suppose
I haven't discussed it with the vendors of the meters.
I doubt they will comply with such a request which
seems to leave our local effort at failure.
Anyway, I filmed the presentation and will be sharing
it as soon as it's uploaded. There was quite a bit of
informative information shared regardless and frankly
the whole thing was funny for a study of dumb politics
which I will also explain once the video is posted.
More opinions than just mine will be shared in videos
and further correspondence on this topic.
Here's a video you might find interesting but it's not
about smart meters (that one is not yet edited)
Thanks for reading my rant today! Hope you are having
a great week so far ;).
Best of Health,
If you want to contact me this is
my online support department