Please do share your thoughts on the B17 Chocolate it is very helpful. One thing that is important to address is that I am very interested in alternative sweeteners for this product.
I chose organic coconut sugar for this for a number of reasons but in the future will be considering some others however I'm not a fan of the various no calorie sweeteners such as stevia, erythritol and
other sugar alcohols, etc. These are unfriendly to my gut and I suspect many others as well.
My goal with this project is to encourage more people to consume the nitriloside compounds such as amygdalin and eating more apricot seeds. This product isn't designed to be a "health food" but more of a functional chocolate.
Also the goal is to spread the information that I've published on on amygdalin but I couldn't put that website on the
box which is why there is now another site emphasizing the "food" aspect of this which is promoted on the box.