
Royal Rife News & e-Course Updates

please watch these two health documentaries

Published: Thu, 12/10/15

Hi This time of year in Oregon typically means a lot of rain and lately there's been no e ception! E cept for the one day that this video was shot…

lunar eclipse from the Oregon coast

Published: Tue, 09/29/15

Hi This weekend on the Oregon coast was stunning. Interesting that it took a broken car to force me to wait for the lunar eclipse! Worth it though I…

Autumn update from Joshua Parker

Published: Sat, 09/26/15

Hi You may not have heard from me in awhile because of so much going on lately - but before heading off to the coast for one final "summer like"…

paying it forward..

Published: Fri, 05/29/15

Hi Some really good news just came at me last week and while I'm super e cited to share all the details I've been advised not to for 30 days. Anyway,…

a simple method to avoid bodily-breakdown

Published: Mon, 05/25/15

Hi In a lot of ways this day represents the beginning of the summer eventhough it comes a few weeks before the official start of summer... I wish you…

are you short on the master mineral?

Published: Wed, 05/20/15

Hi If you take a calcium supplement this will be very important for you! I'm nearing completion on a project which you'll be hearing about soon…

our phone is not actually disconnected!

Published: Thu, 03/19/15

Hi The last few weeks around here have been a bit challenging to say the least! One of the issues that should be resolved today was our phones nearly…

here's a valentines day bounty

Published: Sat, 02/14/15

Hi Happy Valentine's day! Since the big trend is to get into flowers it seemed appropriate (in a strange way) to have a special on the oils that those…

motivation to stay on track...

Published: Wed, 01/28/15

Hi Whoosh this month has been flying by! It's funny how the beginning of the year serves as motivation for so many to achieve more. Whether it's…

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